Our History

Living Hope Church of Belmont

While LHC is a newly formed ARP church, our history goes back hundreds of years.  Pisgah ARP Church was established in 1796 and is the oldest ARP church in Gaston County.  In 1873, Pisgah helped to plant First ARP Church and this church organized in 1887.

Pisgah ARP

Organized 1796

First ARP Gastonia

Organized 1887

Living Hope Church

Organized 2024

Having successfully planted Gaston Community Church in 2008, First ARP was eager to continue a church planting initiative. In the winter of 2022, a small group of folks began meeting in the home of Betsy and Mark Forbes to pray, discuss and discern God’s will for planting an ARP congregation in southeastern Gaston County.  

With the support of Outreach North America (ARP Church planting agency), First Presbytery of the ARP, and First ARP Church Gastonia, Living Hope Church was granted “mission status” on March 8, 2022.

On Easter morning, April 17, 2022, we gathered at sunrise for our initial worship service at Morningstar Marinas.  Following weekly summer gatherings we began regular Sunday morning worship services on September 11, 2022 at Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden.  In May of 2023, we moved to our second location, 510 S. Point Church Road where we continue to worship today.

On April 28, 2024, we organized as a church in the ARP denomination.

First gatherings at the home of Betsy and Mark Forbes
Easter Sunrise Service at Morningstar Marina
Weekly Worship Services begin at Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden
First Worship Service
at 510 S. Point Church Road
LHC Service of Organization