with god's people
Living Hope Church of Belmont is an Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church. Our church began with small core group meetings in the home of Pastor Mark Forbes and his wife Betsy in the winter of 2022. We received mission status from the First Presbytery of ARPC in May 2022 and started weekly worship services in September 2022 and we organized as an ARP church in April 2024. We are excited for the opportunity God has given us to be a part of gathering His Kingdom in southeast Gaston County.

Sunday Morning Worship Service
Come join us at 9:30am at 510 S. Point Church Road. We currently meet in the Fellowship Hall of South Point UMC.
Our worship service is from 9:30 until 10:45. We will sing together, pray together, and hear the scriptures and the preaching together.
Current sermon series: Colossians

Wednesday Dawn Prayer Meetings
6:30 – 7:00am via Zoom.
Contact Pastor Mark for more details.