Women's Ministry


Current Study:
Stand Firm – Putting on the Full Armor of God
This is a three-week, in-depth study on the Armor of God that will
  • “Help you understand what the armor of God is and how to put it on
  • Give you a true understanding of spiritual warfare and your role in it
  • Equip you with practical tools to fight sin and in your life
  • Teach you to persevere in the face of temptation
  • Encourage you to find your strength in Christ alone”
Meeting Times:

We will be meeting in homes and the first meeting of each class will be for fellowship and study introduction.  

Evening class begins 9/4 (6:15 – 7:30)
with appetizers & dessert.

Morning class begins 9/5 (9:45 – 11:00)
with brunch.

Contact Betsy Forbes for more information or click here to sign up.